Evans Dental Care is a holistic dental practice, meaning we emphasize the connection between oral health and overall health. One of the most obvious ways in which the teeth are impacted by problems elsewhere in the body is the effect of acid reflux, which erodes enamel.
A person is said to have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) if they experience heartburn twice or more per week. Heartburn doesn’t actually have anything to do with the heart; it’s caused by the sphincter separating the stomach from the esophagus opening and allowing stomach acid to escape. The acid burns as it travels upward (which also puts patients at risk for esophageal cancer) and harms the teeth when it reaches the mouth. Due to their position, the upper molars are the first to be affected. Acid reflux can be identified as the problem by how the teeth take on a glazed appearance before becoming pitted.
Mineralization therapies can help to prevent erosion and matter that has already been lost can be replaced with partial crowns. But to prevent GERD, patients should reduce their intake of caffeine and alcohol, as well as fried meats, citrus juice, and onions and garlic. They should also avoid eating large meals before lying down.
Dr. Peter Evans operates Evans Dental Care at 103 Bulifants Blvd., Suite B, Williamsburg, Virginia, 23188. To schedule an appointment, visit Evans Dental Care or call 757-349-8877.
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